On our honeymoon I used the H word when asking others to cheer for him at karaoke, but more in a 'test it out' way. And I definitely prefer husband to fiance, which I found terribly pretentious and tried to avoid at all costs. But using this word on a regular basis was a little scary. It makes me wonder how we have arrived at all of these relationship titles.
According to Dictionary.com, here's how it all boils down:
only one in number; one only; unique; sole: a single example.
of, pertaining to, or suitable for one person only: a single room.
solitary or sole; lone: He was the single survivor.
unmarried: a single man.
pertaining to the unmarried state: the single life.
[gurl-frend] nouna frequent or favorite female companion;sweetheart.
a woman engaged to be married.
[wahyf] noun, plural wives[wahyvz] verb, wifed, wif·inga woman joined in marriage to a man; a womanconsidered in relation to her husband; spouse.
a woman ( archaic or dial., except in idioms): oldwives' tale.
I'm not sure Dictionary.com met me, however. This is how I boil it down:
SINGLE [SIN...gul] noun, verb, adjective, adverb
Poor decisions, good times, college, practice made perfect in bad dating, parties, boys, free dinners, long walks home (alone), the recipient of advice from everyone in a relationship, Ben & Jerry's by the pint, comfortable, sweatpants, studio apartment, self love.
GIRLFRIEND [Really? Do people use this title after 30?] noun, adjective
Taken, by choice. Texting, phone calls, free dinners, discussions of the future, meeting family and friends, +1 for weddings, fun, long walks, holding hands, vacations, testing the waters, sleepovers, pictures, falling for someone other than self.
FIANCEE [FEE..on..say] noun, verb, adjective, adverb
Diamonds, saving money, spending money, wedding planning, trying to avoid becoming a bridezilla so he'll actually marry me, pre-cana, moving in, sharing - a lot, family, friends, celebrations, showers, bachelorette party (attempting to revert to parts of SINGLE), conflict, arguments, love, adoration, trust, commitment, excitement.
WIFE [WIFE] noun, adjective
Permanent, exciting, honeymoon, love, joy, not sure what else yet, but will keep you updated!
Regardless of the title, I am still me. And blessed to be with a wonderful he. I think I can used to this 'wife' thing.
I am really glad that you are part of the family woman! You are awesome and I will definitely enjoy following your blog! LOL